Unpaid Carers.
Independent Advocacy Perth & Kinross supports people who provide unpaid care to friends and family through illness, disability or frailty of old age.
Carers can be supported to access information about their rights and entitlements as a carer including care packages and respite. Carers may also be supported to get their views across in a range of settings as they often have to juggle communicating with a large number of other professionals in their caring role.
What kind of issues do carers have?
- Concerns about finance and claiming benefits
- Needing a break/respite from caring
- Feeling intimidated or overwhelmed at times
- Social isolation, loneliness
- Effects of caring on their own health
- Juggling caring with other commitments
- Lack of time/energy/sleep as a result of caring
How can independent advocacy support carers?
- Help to prepare for and attend meetings/speak on your behalf
- Can write letters/make phone calls and source information for you
- Help to identify what options you have and support you in pursuing them
- Make sure that your voice and views are heard
- Treat you as an individual and listen to you
What is a carer?
A carer is any person who provides a substantial amount of care and support to somebody on a regular basis, who without it could not cope.
Document Links
Website Links
PKC Unpaid Carers Directory of Services | Visit Website |
Carer’s Scotland | Visit Website |
PKAVS Carer’s Hub | Visit Website |
National Care Standards | Visit Website |
P&K Council Carers Strategy | Visit Website |
Scottish Social Services Council | Visit Website |
Care Information Scotland | Visit Website |
OPG Guardianship Information | Visit Website |
OPG Power of Attorney Information | Visit Website |
PKC Care Home Directory | Visit Website |
Scottish Government Information | Visit Website |